Research Context
WELLHEAD is founded on an evidence-base of research. The project grew out of Kath Mumby’s existing research: PhD (Psychology, 2008) investigated apraxia of speech, a particularly frustrating communication impairment which may occur after a stroke, involving loss of voluntary control over speech production, and a sense of powerlessness. Click here to see the thesis.
Mumby, K., Bowen, A., & Hesketh, A. (2007). Apraxia of speech: how reliable are speech and language therapists’ diagnoses? Clinical Rehabilitation, 21(8), 760–767. Request on Researchgate.
Post-doctoral research used mixed methods to evaluate a complex intervention coproduced with people who had long term aphasia (acquired language impairment). This deepened an interest in adjustment processes after the trauma of communication losses, and how to help. (Written up as the CHANT project - CHANT, Resources, Research Includes and Researchgate on CHANT)
Current work concerns evolving accessible materials for assessing and promoting spiritual health irrespective of religious background, in a variety of populations, including people experiencing stroke, head injury, brain tumour, dementia, and normal ageing. ‘The WELLHEAD Toolkit’ has been published from this work, and a co-edited book on ‘Perspectives on Spirituality in Speech and Language Therapy’.

Journal articles about spirituality
Mumby, K. J. and Grace, D. (2019). WELLHEAD: a Collaborative Approach to Spiritual Assessment and Intervention, Developed with People with Aphasia. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy,7(2), 216-240. DOI: 10.1558/hscc.37004 Request on Researchgate.
This article describes the background, read more UK health and social care in which the WELLHEAD project originated, explains about the WELLHEAD model as it relates to the literature, and the generation of the Toolkit, with its research basis (study reference: IRAS id 216 799 ning-and-improving-research/application-summaries/research-summaries /aphasia-and-spirituality-toolkit-pilot-study-version-1/
Mumby, K. & Roddam, H. (2021). Aphasia and Spirituality: the feasibility of assessment and intervention using WELLHEAD and SHALOM. Aphasiology, 35:7, 925-949, DOI:10.1080/02687038.2020.1752907 Published online: 13 May 2020 Request on Researchgate.
This paper reports the feasibility study of the Toolkit, read more
...of the Toolkit in the UK Health Service, showing it to be accessible for those with aphasia (language impairment) and additional cognitive and sensory issues, and acceptable from a range of religious backgrounds and life views. Both quantitative and qualitative findings are evaluated, with perceived impact of using the Toolkit.
Mumby, K. (2019). A Single Case Narrative of Spirituality Following Aphasia from Traumatic Brain Injury: Findings about Forgiveness and Freedom Using WELLHEAD and SHALOM. Religions,10, 301. Request on Researchgate
This paper focuses on a participant, read more the feasibility study, exploring Mrs Green’s perspective in depth, and illustrating how the Toolkit may be useful in the context of traumatic brain injury (TBI).
The origin of the WELLHEAD Framework - Mumby and Hobbs - a short read.
Research posters and presentations - Research posters and abstracts.
Mumby, K. (2023). Supporting spiritual health in dementia using the WELLHEAD Toolkit: A ‘story-tale’ from a person with logopenic aphasia. Journal for the Study of Spirituality, 13:1, 46-62, DOI: 10.1080/20440243.2023.2187968
This paper focuses on a participant, read more
...with language-led dementia, Mr Grey, showing how the Toolkit has important applications in dementia before language deterioration prevents reflection and therapeutic sharing of spiritual issues.
To access a free download of the full text click here.
Mumby, K. (2025). People with aphasia shape spirituality research: Unlocking insights into access and acceptability. Journal of Disability & Religion, 1–29. DOI:
Read about the co-production of the WELLHEAD Toolkit, read more
....using focus groups and a research steering group of people with aphasia who were instrumental throughout.

Ongoing Projects
Several research avenues are being explored, and other proposals or opportunities for consultancy are welcomed.
Using the WELLHEAD Toolkit within the context of ageing
In January 2018 focus groups of older people in Devon (UK) were in favour of development work using the WELLHEAD Toolkit with older people in general. Pilot work with a case series of older people is ongoing, with ‘before’ and ‘after’ measures using the WELLHEAD Toolkit. Additional standardised measures of quality of life (including anxiety/depression) and spiritual health and wellbeing are being collected in parallel. The research uses mixed methods to better understand the applicability and impact of the Toolkit within the context of ageing.
Part of Speech and Language Therapy students’ training
Preliminary work has involved enabling SLT Masters students to implement the WELLHEAD Toolkit with a limited caseload of people with aphasia. Feedback is informing future training and scope.
Affiliations and Memberships
I undertake regular Safeguarding training and have been DBS checked.
I maintain professional competencies, basing my work on research evidence.
I attend regular meetings with a qualified Spiritual Director.
In my role as a Speech and Language Therapist I maintain professional memberships and registrations.
I am a member of the International Network for the Study of Spirituality
I have been a Licensed Lay Minister (Reader) in the Church of England since 1999. I trained in Chester, then transferred to Newcastle. Now in Devon, I'm licensed in Exeter Diocese.
I am licensed as a lay minister in Exeter Diocese, keeping links with local ministry teams.
My record-keeping is registered in accordance with the Information Commissioner’s Office.
Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practice
Two projects published by J&R Press in January 2023:

Perspectives on Spirituality in Speech and Language Therapy
A co-edited book with Dr Sophie MacKenzie, about ‘Perspectives on Spirituality in Speech and Language Therapy’, which may appeal to others interested in communication access or the issues involved.

The WELLHEAD Toolkit
Resources supporting spiritual assessment and growth’, including a Manual giving detailed instructions, background information and guidance, with extra research evidence. The purchase price includes the online versions.
An early response to ‘Perspectives on Spirituality in Speech and Language Therapy'
"How impressed I am with the book that you and Sophie have put together….I have read it from cover to cover - it is a really wonderful contribution to the subject and you have written it so well. I wish I had had it when I was training SLT students! Thank you so much and hope that you enjoyed putting it all together - a huge piece of work with so many contributors!”
Jane Stokes, by email 3/1/2023

Enthusiastic students Bernadette and Becky with the book 'Perspectives on Spirituality in Speech and Language Therapy'