Training & Support

Get a flavour for how the WELLHEAD Toolkit works before you try it out in your setting.

Understand how the WELLHEAD Toolkit can support communication about spirituality.

Do you want to know more about the research or carry out your own study using the resources?

Sky reflected in wild pool

Training Options

Training sessions are offered online, usually over Zoom.

Shorter advice sessions can be scheduled.

A session may be designed for you, with a range of cost (detailed quotes will be prepared in advance). The standard hourly rate for individual training is £90 inclusive of preparation. There may be some flexibility according to circumstances, and higher costs apply for groups.

Assuming some prior knowledge of spirituality, an ideal format includes an initial half-day training session with a shorter follow-up once practical work has been completed.

Further details on request - see below for 2024 training flyer

Training summary June 2024

Individual Support

In some cases, support may include offering you a session online using the WELLHEAD Toolkit.

You will be asked to complete an agreement giving your consent for such support.

For speech and language therapy assessment, intervention, advice, and consultancy: New Pathways

Feedback on Training

“Thank you so much for the session yesterday – really useful!”

(Speech & Language Therapist after an individual session)

“It felt like a unique opportunity to explore meaning, purpose and spirituality …. It certainly gave us all plenty to think about.”

(Student SLT after small group session)

“I am learning so much from you, its invaluable!”

(Independent therapist interested in research)


Contact for more information or to send a review of training

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