I love playing with paint!
It doesn’t often happen, but this time I was painting in the open air, trying to capture my sense of the deeper things in life, especially all that is beyond. Not easy, but I was playing.
Here were golds and blues, the power of the wind in the treetops and the falling leaves, with the hushed heavy wingbeat of angels and the shelter of leaf-feathers. I got quite transported by it.
Leaving the wet paint to dry overnight I thought “I enjoyed that – but I didn’t capture what was in my imagination, which was so much richer…maybe I can improve the canvas tomorrow?”
"…maybe I can improve the canvas tomorrow?”
Coming back to it in the morning, I had a sudden jolt - pigeon footprints across the blue before it dried. It took me a while to work out what to do....
Then do nothing. The ‘failure’ was marked by that unintended bird visit, improvising on my ‘feathers' and the 'power from beyond'.
I have to laugh at myself and the twist in events.
We see so little of what is beyond!
If we try maybe we can ‘fail well’.
Posted on December 8th 2023